EAMS Download Page

EAMS Revision History

EAMS Version Date Brief Description SIBERIA version included
Download 2.09 1/12/2006 This is the latest version of the EAMS mine rehabilitation environmental assessment suite. Don't forget to download the latest version of SIBERIA (see below) 8.27

Download Instructions

Note that all downloads are password protected.
  1. If you are a current licence holder and have forgotten your password you should contact Telluric Research to obtain your password.
  2. If you are a consultant and wish to acquire EAMS then you need to contact Telluric Research to buy a commercial licence.
  3. If you are a research user and wish to acquire EAMS then you need to contact Telluric Research to acquire a research licence.
The download of EAMS is a two step process.
  1. Download the latest version of the EAMS installer from the link on this page. Note that the EAMS installer includes a version of SIBERIA but because SIBERIA is updated more regularly than EAMS the version of SIBERIA within the EAMS installer may be several versions out-of-date relative to the latest version of SIBERIA. The included version of SIBERIA is noted in the information table above.
  2. Download the latest version of the SIBERIA installer from the links on this page. 
Once you have downloaded the latest version of both packages to your computer you are ready to install the packages.
  1. Unzip the EAMS zip file into a convenient directory (you will need WinZip or something equivalent to uncompress the zip file).
  2. In the top level off the directory to where you unzipped EAMS you will find a file called 'setup.exe'. Double click on this file to launch the installer software and follow the instructions. By default if you click OK to all options this will install the EAMS software, example run files and documentation in the START bar (just like other Windows applications).
  3. Once the suite is installed you should then unzip the latest version of SIBERIA into a convenient (but different to EAMS) directory. You will now replace the version of SIBERIA that was installed by the EAMS installer. The simplest way to to this is to open the directory for the Documentation in the EAMS menu item in the START menu. When the window with the documentation opens click on the up arrow to go up one folder level. There are about 20-30 files in this new folder, one of which is called 'siberia.exe'. Rename the existing one in this folder 'siberia-old.exe' (if there is an existing 'siberia-old.exe' then you should delete the preexisting 'siberia-old.exe' first) and copy the new 'siberia.exe' into the directory from the unzipped file.
  4. You are now ready to go. Start EAMS from the EAMS-Moscow item in the START bar.


The latest version of SIBERIA is here. Note by default this will unzip into a directory called 'release'.

The latest version of the SIBERIA support files (e.g. siberia.setup) are here. Note by default this will unzip into a directory called 'siberia833'.

Instructions for Installing a Standalone version of SIBERIA

Unzip the latest version of siberia into a convenient directory on your computer. If you don't already have them you should also download the latest support files.

Frequently Asked Questions about Installation

1. Can I get a CD/DVD copy of the software.

No. The only form we supply the software in is by download. You should backup the software after download to CD or DVD yourself.

2. When I run the installer I am told I don't have privileges or access rights to continue installation.

The EAMS installer requires administrator privileges to run. You should only run into this problem if you are running in a networked environment where your files reside on a secure server (e.g. a university student laboratory environment) or where you do not have administrator privileges on your machine (e.g. you are in a government department with leased machines). In this case you will need to have you local computer support person install both EAMS and the latest version of SIBERIA. In this case the computer support person must also ensure that you have write privilege to the directory in which the executables are installed otherwise the software will not run.

Experimental Test Version of EAMS V4.00

We are currently testing an experimental version of EAMS V4.00 that involves a complete rewrite of the Moscow component of the package. Moscow4 is written in Python and will run on any platform that supports Python (you will need to install Python 2.0 or later and additional library Pmw for this code to work ... its not in a Star Package at this time). The package appears to work fine but should not be used for mission critical work. It is included here at this early stage primarily for research users, who find running on only Windows restrictive and who do not need the Viewer application (there are no plans for Viewer to be ported outside the Windows world). Note that the package consists of two parts (1) a Python interface (i.e. Moscow) which is platform independent, and (2) the EAMS executables (e.g. SIBERIA, gridding, etc) which are binaries specific for each platform. The future plan is have this as one platform independent download but to reduce download size you need to download both components seperately.


Download EAMS-Moscow V4.00: Moscow (also includes support files, help files, and install instructions in zip format) : (for Python 2.x, platform independent).

Download EAMS Executables: Windows, Mac OSX(Intel), MacOSX(PPC), Linux (x86, Fedora7, 32bit).